We’re proud of the platform we’ve created. It’s super flexible and easy to integrate into all the popular e-commerce services, plus we’re constantly evolving it to give our customers a competitive edge in their market.

Our latest updates include some new customer management features in the Pin Payments dashboard. Offer your customers the best experience possible, with better service and the peace of mind knowing their data is safe with you.

Create customers with secure payment profiles

As a Pin Payments user, you can now create customer profiles in your dashboard, and vault their card details for repeat charges in the future. We’ll handle all the security, privacy, data integrity and PCI-DSS compliance on your behalf. It’s secure, seamless and zero-hassle, supporting your business’s capacity for accepting recurring payments.

Securely vault customer payment details with our new Create Customer feature.

Zero-charge card authorisation

Our new card authorisation feature lets you capture an authorisation of funds without actually processing a charge — like, for example, when holding security for an accommodation booking. As you input the charge in your dashboard, you can elect to hold off on taking payment while still ensuring that amount will be available for when you’re ready to bill.

Authorise a transaction upfront; capture the funds later.